Issue Position: Government Ethics

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

"It is time for our politicians to fight for all of us, not just the rich and powerful." - Josh McCall

There is too much big money in politics -- from corporations, from lobbyists, and from wealthy individuals. Since Citizens United, along with other court rulings, decided that money is free speech, money is now the only "speech" most politicians understand. Not me, I'll listen to you even if you don't write me a big check.

Campaigns are almost always won by the candidate with the biggest war chest; lawmakers are passing off the task to draft major legislation to the biggest spenders for lobbying interests; state and federal districts are being gerrymandered to heavily favor the party with the most power; and there are major concerns about our voter process -- both with respect to eligibility and to reliability.

It is up to WE the people to hold our government accountable. Let's get big money out of politics and focus on the needs of the average, everyday constituent.
